The True Blue Scouts Of Sugar Man Swamp

Kathi Appelt

The True Blue Scouts Of Sugar Man Swamp Raccoon brothers Bingo and J'miahlive in an abandoned DeSoto car in Sugar Man Swamp. They are the newest recruits of the Sugar Man Swamp Scouts who serve the Sugar Man, a massive yeti-like creature who has slept for the past 60 years. It is their job to alert Sugar Man to impending danger, and the rest of the swamp creatures rely on their work. Meanwhile, a boy named Chap who lives on the edge of the Bayou may not be a member of the Sugar Man Swamp Scouts, but he loves the swamp and will do anything to protect it. And protect it they must, because alligator wrestler Jaeger Stitch wants to turn the swamp into an alligator wrestling arena and theme park, and a gang of wild hogs are headed their way!

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